Sunday, November 22, 2009

Metro TV shoots on board the Rahai'i Pangun

Mid November saw the arrival of Metro TV anchor woman, Virgie Baker, to film a segment for her very popular weekly travelogue, Virgie's Travel Guide.

After reporting and reading the news on this major Indonesian network, Virgie is now working with independent Director-Producer Deyna Haryanto of Jiwa Creation, to produce an energetic look at the variety of tourist destinations right across the Indonesian archipelago.

Just finished filming in Nias and Bali, the team arrived fresh in Palangkaraya to explore the treasures of the Museum and later to stay overnight in a jungle cabin at the Eco Village. The next 2 days were spent on the boat, cruising the placid waters of the Rungan River, passing orangutan islands and enjoying the great food.

Finishing their trip at Bukit Rawi on the rain swollen Kahayan River, the team were treated to a spectacular dance display on the wooden jetty. To the flickering lights of the bamboo flares and the company of many residents of this small riverside kampung, the team had a colourful farewell.

If you are in Indonesia, look out for Virgie's Kalimantan segment on Saturday morning at 9 am on Metro TV on 28 November and 5 December.