Thursday, September 6, 2012

Building a new boat in Palangkaraya

   On the banks of the Kahayan river under the Palangkaraya bridge, our new concept boat has begun construction. Built by local master craftsmen on the river banks using age-old methods of burnishing the planks in fire to make them bend, wooden chocks to hold the planks to the framework, waterproof fungus, which is a by-product of palm sugar production, and the ability to build 'by eye', our new boat is based on the design used as fuel boats on the Kahayan and Rungan Rivers. These boats have flat hulls and are stable and able to travel into the upper river regions where river levels can be low.

Plans are to convert this boat to a comfortable private charter vessel for 2-4 passengers, which can travel far enough up-river to reach longhouses and other unique cultural sites.

Completion is projected for December 2012, if all goes to plan!

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